How To Install Sailboat ’’Sandwich’’ Style Rub Rail

How To Install Sailboat ’’Sandwich’’ Style Rub Rail

TACO Marine manufactures rub rail that are usable with a horizontal flange type of hull to deck joint.

Tools and supplies needed:

  • Small flat head stainless steel screws (#4 or #6).  Make sure they are short enough so they will not protrude out the other side of the flange
  • A drill bit to make a pilot hole for the screws, preferably one that has a countersinking tool attached to the end. If this is not available, you will also need a countersinking bit
  • Pencil
  • 2 battery powered drills
  • Screwdriver bit to fit the screws you are using
  • Hacksaw
  • Tape measure
  • Safety glasses
  • Heat gun
  • Tube of 3M 5200

STEP 1 - Make a reference line on the horizontal flange for installing the insert:

  1. Cut a 2 inch piece of the rub rail
  2. Cut a 3 inch piece of the insert
  3. Put the two pieces together with the insert sticking out one end
  4. Position the sample rub rail on the horizontal flange of your boat until the ends touch the hull
  5. With a pencil mark the flange of your boat where the legs of the insert end
  6. While holding a pencil on the end of the insert legs, slide the sample rub rail along the horizontal flange of your boat keeping it up against the hull.  This will give you a reference line for installing the insert

STEP 2 - Installing the insert

  1. Take the first 12 ft. section of insert and using a heat gun to soften it, bend it to conform to the shape of the front of your boat.  If you have a very sharp bow, you may make a V cut in the legs of the insert with a hacksaw
  2. Place the insert up to the mark you made on the flange of your boat
  3. Drill a pilot hole for the small flat head screw through the insert and into the horizontal flange and countersink the hole
  4. Put a little 3M 5200 on the threads of the screw and install the screw
  5. Repeat drilling, countersinking and installing screws with 3M 5200 every 6 inches or so, making sure the insert lines up with the mark you made on the horizontal flange
  6. Keep installing additional lengths of insert as needed using the same procedure going around the stern as you did at the bow

STEP 3 - Installing the rub rail:

  1. Starting at the middle of the transom, open the rub rail and snap it over the insert.  If you installed the insert right, it will just touch the hull
  2. When you get to the corner of the transom use a heat gun to soften the rub rail and with a stretching motion bend it around the corner.  You may get some distortion because you will be compressing the legs of the rub rail as you bend it around.  If the buckling is excessive, make a narrow V cut in the legs of the rub rail where the buckling occurred.  This should relieve the pressure and cause it to lay flat.  Apply some 3M 5200 to seal it
  3. Keep installing the rub rail in this manor until you come back to where you started.  With the exception of the turns, try not to stretch the rub rail.  When you get to where you started, cut the rub rail a little longer and try to compress the rub rail into the space butting it to the other end.  You may want to install a screw through the rub rail from the underside on each side of the butt joint to keep the ends together