Introducing Three New Boating Products from TACO Marine

Introducing Three New Boating Products from TACO Marine

We are excited to announce three new products for boat builders and boating enthusiasts! Introducing the Grand Slam 800 VHF Antenna Mount, the Grand Slam 900 Masthead Anchor Light and the Low Profile Adjustable Seat Slide Kit! These products are available to boat builders starting in June. The GS-800 and GS-900 are available to consumers through their favorite marine retailer in June and the Seat Slide Kit will be hitting the aftermarket shelves later this year.

Grand Slam 800
VHF Antenna Mount

The new GS-800 VHF Antenna Mount was created specifically to prevent climbing on the boat gunnel to raise and lower a VHF antenna. Lift and descend the antenna from the safety of the deck from under the top. Its smooth operation, attractive machined aluminum frame and cast stainless-steel rotator make this item a must for any boater.

The GS-800 is ideal for all boats with tops up to 2" thick.


Grand Slam 900
Masthead Anchor Light

The new Grand Slam 900 Masthead Anchor Light was created specifically for the safety and convenience of today’s boater. Climbing on the boat gunnel to raise and lower an masthead anchor light is dangerous, time consuming and frustrating. The GS-900 allows boat operators to lift and descend this navigational requirement from the safety of the deck, right under the top and without ever having to climb on the gunnel again. Simply extend the crank handle and rotate the light to the upright position or back to its stowed, towing location. The light runs on 12 volts and consists of four 3-watt LED Cree chips driven by two Mean Well drivers. Its smooth operation, attractive machined aluminum frame and cast stainless-steel rotator make this item a must for any boater.

The GS-900 is ideal for powered vessels 39' and under and is certified for USCG-required two nautical miles.


Low Profile
Adjustable Seat Slide Kit

Introducing the newest addition to our seat slide family, the Low Profile Adjustable Seat Slide Kit! This low-profile design provides frictionless operation and is easily adaptable for a multitude of marine applications. Its high-strength polymer glides provide smooth movement with a durable locking action. It comes with a front-mounted slide lever, which is easily accessible in all seven positions when seated. The complete kit includes the housing assembly, mounting plate, fasteners and installation instructions – making it the perfect all-in-one seat slide package.


The GS-800, GS-900 and Low Profile Adjustable Seat Slide Kit are available to boat builders starting in June! Contact your TACO Sales and Customer Service Representative today! Additionally, the GS-800 and GS-900 are available to consumers in June through their favorite marine retailer, and the Seat Slide Kit is slated to hit the aftermarket shelves later this year.

Coming soon! We're rolling out electric versions of both the GS-800 and the GS-900, as well as launching several more new and exciting products for the marine industry.

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