5 Upcoming Fall Tournaments to Catch Liquid Fire Fishing

5 Upcoming Fall Tournaments to Catch Liquid Fire Fishing

As Captain Mark Henderson says, “it’s officially fall, and the fall bite is on!” TACO’s long-time sponsored fishing team, Liquid Fire, is slated to compete in five tournaments this month, two of which are championship events.

Kingfish Cup Wildcard – taking place Wednesday, Nov. 3 in Ocean Isle, North Carolina. Winners are based on heaviest two-fish aggregate.

Kingfish Cup Championship – open to top 25 qualifiers and any KFC teams who won a qualifying event, taking place Thursday, Nov. 4 through 7 in Ocean Isle, North Carolina.

Cape Lookout Shootout Championship – taking place Nov. 10 through the 14 in Morehead City, North Carolina. Lines in is scheduled for Friday, Nov. 12, with alternate weather fish days the 11, 13 and 14.

6th annual Deallaney Hudson Honorary KMT – taking place Nov. 10 through 14 along with the Cape Lookout Shootout Championship. All proceeds go to the Progeria Research Foundation.

King Kong Showdown – taking place in Carolina Beach, North Carolina Nov. 18 through 21. It is a field of 25 teams, and teams will checkout 6 a.m. Friday, Nov. 19 and must check back in by Sunday, Nov. 21 at noon. This tournament has no boundaries. Teams may fish 24 hours per day, may dock, fuel, and get a hotel room.

Good luck to the Liquid Fire Fishing Team during this jam-packed month of tournaments! We can’t wait to see what you reel in.