How to Avoid Dimpling Flexible Vinyl Rub Rail

How to Avoid Dimpling Flexible Vinyl Rub Rail

When installing Flexible Vinyl Rub Rail, it's important to know how to avoid dimpling it during the installation process. Check out these quick tips on how to avoid dimpling Rub Rail.

TIP 1: Stretch the Rub Rail

Because Flexible Vinyl Rub Rail is easy to bend, it can also be easy to stretch. We found that fastening the Rub Rail on either side of the bow and then gentling stretching each side toward the stern, then anchoring to the stern, can help ensure the Rub Rail is tight to the gunnel cap. Once the Rub Rail is anchored at the stern on either side, gently stretch it over the cap and secure it in place.

TIP 2: Do Not Over-Torque the Screws

Too much torque pushes the flexible material into the gunnel, which causes the indentation, aka dimpling. We recommend setting the torque on the drill to stop once it touches the surface of the Rub Rail.

TIP 3: Do Not Use Countersink Screws

At TACO, we found Truss Head Screws to be the best when installing Flexible Vinyl Rub Rail. If needed, Pan Head Screws are second best.

TIP 4: Do This if You Need to Drill the Material

If you're installing Flexible Vinyl Rub Rail that does not come with pre-drilled holes, we recommend pre-drilling holes with a slightly larger diameter than the diameter of the screw threads. This keeps the screw threads from grabbing the material and pulling it into the gunnel when the screw is torqued.

If you have any questions about installing Rub Rail, comment on this blog below or send us a message.

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