In 2017, the Fons family tragically lost their patriarch, Dave, in an automobile accident when his compact car was hit by a fully loaded dump truck that failed to yield to a red light. In his memory, the family created the Dave Fons Memorial Fund for the Advocacy of Truck Safety, which is hosting its first ever fishing tournament next weekend in Bradenton, Florida.
The Fish for Truck Safety: Fins for Fons Fishing Tournament, which is proudly sponsored by TACO Marine, kicks off Friday, Sept. 18 at 6 p.m. at the Twin Dolphin Marina with a cocktail party captain’s meeting, and then lines in from 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 19, followed by an Awards Banquet.
Michelle Fons, Public Relations & Event Coordinator for the Memorial Fund and Dave’s daughter-in-law, explained that the tournament is an inshore slam catch-and-release photo contest for prizes based on total inches for one redfish, one trout and one snook. Additionally, officials from the Coastal Conservation Association of Florida are providing the tournament’s official measuring boards and tracking the results.
TACO donated an Olympic Rod Holder Cluster and two Knife & Plier Holders toward the event’s silent auction.
There’s still time to register. Michelle said anglers and their families can sign up for the tournament and/or events on the Fund’s website through September 12.
“We cannot take registrations at the door because of COVID,” said Michelle, who added that there is a capacity restriction at the marina, so space is limited.
In addition to offering monetary prizes for the top three anglers, money raised from the tournament supports the nonprofit’s three key initiatives: Providing resources and support to survivors and families affected by truck-related accidents, promoting greater truck safety through advocacy, education and awareness, and promoting construction-related education through the Dave Fons Memorial Fund Scholarship.
“We really want to get Florida involved in truck safety,” explained Michelle of the tournament’s overall purpose. “We thought, ‘why not do a fishing tournament? It’s Florida, and people in Florida love to fish.’”
Dave Fons, second from right, with his wife Jill, center, sons Garrett, far left, and Brendan, far right, and daughter Courtney.
In 2018, the U.S. Department of Transportation [DOT] reported that large trucks accounted for 9 percent of vehicles in fatal crashes. Additionally, of the 4,862 large trucks involved in fatal crashes, 66 percent were combination trucks – a tractor truck with one or more trailers.
DOT has yet to release statistics for 2019.
Advocacy plays a big role for the nonprofit and its volunteers, explained Michelle, who said there are several initiatives in which the fund is involved. The fund works directly with the Michigan Trucking Association – exhibiting annually at its expo with training and safety materials – and is actively seeking to partner with community-driven truck safety coalitions throughout the United States.

In collaboration with the State of Michigan and the Michigan Center for Truck Safety, the nonprofit sponsors numerous training programs, including professional driver coaching, a defensive driver course for truck drivers, and a mobile truck simulator program.
The Michigan-based Fund also provides free truck safety resources on its website, found here
“As Dave was involved in the construction and aggregate industry, it was truly ironic that his life ended the way it did,” reads the Fund’s website. “His family found a greater meaning in his death and created the Dave Fons Memorial Fund for the Advocacy of Truck Safety just days after his death. It was important for them to make an effort to help other families in their position, as well as prevent other tragedies like this from occurring.”
Dave leaves behind his wife of 42 years, Jill, and their three children, Garrett, the nonprofit’s President, Brendan, Vice President, and Courtney, Secretary, as well as their spouses, five grandchildren, extended family and many friends.
To learn more about the nonprofit or register for the Fish for Truck Safety: Fins for Fons Fishing Tournament, visit its website Additionally, find the nonprofit on Facebook and LinkedIn.
Thank you to the Fons family for your good works to promote truck safety and thank you for inviting TACO to sponsor the nonprofit’s inaugural fishing tournament!