Catch Episode 3 of Florida Insider Fishing Report

Catch Episode 3 of Florida Insider Fishing Report

TACO Pro Team Captain Rick Murphy is back with episode 3 of Florida Insider Fishing Report!

This week Captain Rick is going after one of the most acrobatic fish in the ocean. When you hook into one, you're in for a show! This week on Florida Insider Fishing Report we're talking about sailfish!

Check out this beautiful sailfish caught at Casa Vieja Lodge in Guatemala!

We're getting rigged up and ready for a new show at our fish shack!

Where and when to watch:

Catch the action on Fox Sports Florida at the dates and times below.

  • Friday, April 17, at 11:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.
  • Saturday, April 18, at 9:30 a.m

Not only that, all episodes for the 2020 season will also be uploaded to the Captain Rick Murphy YouTube Channel Thursday evenings.

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